Join award-winning local Astronomer Ross Hockham BCAe, who will share
the skies with you. Using pictures from himself, amateur astronomers and NASA to teach you how to spot the awesome sights in our night skies.
The first talk takes you on a journey from our Sun across the solar system to Pluto, exploring each planet and our Moon. The talk is enhanced by visuals to show you what
you can actually do with just a smartphone, DSLR camera or proper astrophotography gear. There’s something for everyone.
After a break, the second talk will help you go out and spot things in the night sky yourselves, using just your eyes, binoculars, and telescopes. We will talk about
double stars, star nurseries, nebula, supernovae, and galaxies aimed at families and beginners interested in space but still needing to figure out where to start.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have attended a UK Astronomy event before, this will be the same talk as previous events.